
Showing posts from January, 2019

Representation in D83

Questions that you should be able to answer (from an OCR resource): 1. What individuals, social groups, social identities, events or issues are represented? 2. What signs are used to signify or connote meaning in the drama? 3. Are stereotypes used? 4. How is meaning ‘manipulated’ by the producer through the use of media language conventions? 5. How are the representations made to feel ‘real’ or ‘truthful’? 6. What are the main messages and values that are represented in the drama? Do they support or challenge dominant ideological viewpoints? 7. Is there more than one meaning or interpretation offered in the representation? How does the use of signs enable this? 8. How are audiences invited to respond to and accept these representations? We analysed a section of D83 (from 19m20s - 22m59s) and looked at the analysis of: • Learner 1 – Key Characters • Learner 2 – Social Groups • Learner 3 – Events and issues